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Courageous Leadership

How one woman's remarkable achievement can help leaders and teams embrace their own challenges without fear

Every business at some point on its journey faces headwinds, they may be economic but more-often-than-not they are the challenges within their sector, creating the products, the services, taking the leap to create and be different.

At times like this, it is when our leaders need to extract the very best from their teams, challenge them yet motivate them, show courage in their leadership to take on the unknown and inspire their teams to not shrink in fear but to rise up to the challenge and find the solutions that the company is looking for.

Step forward Roz Savage Keynote Speaker from Leading Minds Worldwide whose incredible stories of endurance have helped her audiences from around the world re-think their challenges and sense of purpose.

The Bigger the Challenge

Roz has spent 520 days at sea, alone, in a 23-foot rowboat!

With the right mindset what Roz learnt was that the bigger the challenge, the bigger the sense of achievement.

This sentiment underscores the transformative potential within our leaders and our teams, empower them, give them the courage to tackle those daunting obstacles. True leaders understand that embracing challenges head-on not only fosters personal growth but also cultivates a culture of resilience within their teams and sense of achievement when they succeed.

Vision: The Guiding Light in Times of Adversity

A visionary leader possesses clarity of purpose and a steadfast commitment to their goals. For Roz, you have to have a vision when you set out at the start of a challenge about why you want to do it and why it is going to be worth it.

In times of uncertainty, it is the leader's vision that inspires and motivates teams to persevere, even when the journey seems arduous.

Just as Roz so often felt, there are days when teams will feel like the wind is blowing them backwards, nothing is going right, the break throughs are just not happening, doubts creep in.

How do leaders and their teams keep focused and stay true to the mission?

The key is for founders, for boards, for senior management to present their vision, what challenge are they looking to overcome, the reasons why, to communicate this to the leaders and the teams and bring them onboard as why we want to do this, what is the outcome or the purpose, that it is going to be worth it, worth it because…?!

This vision becomes the guiding light and if everyone is onboard, if they are empowered, if leaders have the courage to take risk, then you & your team will discover a resourcefulness & collectively discover you are capable of so much more than you might think, once we step outside our comfort zone and are focused 100% on the vision that we are trying to accomplish.

Courage: When your Motivation is bigger than your fear

We can not train our leaders for courage or make them courageous as we challenge them to take on our Vision. But what we can do is motivate them to find answers, motivate them to overcome their fears, motivate and empower to deliver the vision and realise that sense of achievement.

If the vision motivates then the team will keep showing up, they'll keep sticking their oars in the water they will become comfortable with risk, tenacious, stepping out of their comfort zones and finding the winning solutions.

It's how the team grows and with each challenge addressed, confidence grows and the next challenge becomes less scary and more exciting, but the tougher the better providing the greater sense of achievement.

Through embracing challenges, staying true to their vision, and motivating teams to act, leaders can inspire positive change and drive success within their organisations. As Roz exemplifies through her remarkable feats, visions can be forged not in the absence of adversity, but in the courage to confront it head-on.

To learn more about Roz Savage's insights into achieving incredible things through vision & motivation, creating courageous leaders to the benefit of your organisation, contact us today. Let us embark on a journey of growth, resilience, and visionary leadership together.

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Miriam: +44 7771 707 951

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